我对呼吸科学的热情始于大学时代. I was fascinated with how the respiratory system interacts with immune and environmental triggers. In normal lungs these triggers are protective but in patients with chronic lung disease these can become harmful and contribute to increased troublesome symptoms. It was clear then that there were significant therapeutic needs in these patients that were not addressed by the current treatments. 作为一个呼吸药理学家, my proudest achievements are therefore working on two therapeutic agents which are now used in the treatment of asthma and COPD. 尽管已经取得了重大进展, we still need to work on not just the treatment of chronic lung disease but also on disease modification and cure.

2017年9月,我加入澳门葡京网赌游戏的biopharmacics R&D组以呼吸道、炎症为主 & Autoimmunity research. 我在哥德堡工作, Sweden, 澳门葡京网赌游戏三大战略研发中心之一, 这里也是该公司早期呼吸系统研究的所在地. 以我作为高级副总裁和早期呼吸系统主管的身份, 炎症与自身免疫(RIA), I lead early-stage research and development in chronic diseases of the lung – such as asthma, 慢性阻塞性肺病(COPD), 特发性肺纤维化(IPF)和慢性咳嗽. 澳门葡京赌博游戏专注于三个领域:肺上皮,肺免疫和肺再生. I am really enjoying being part of the Respiratory team at AstraZeneca because it has given me the opportunity to work alongside inspiring scientists, and within a global organisation that has the expertise and capacity needed to drive science towards new medicines for patients.

尽管已经取得了重大进展, we still need to work on not just the treatment of chronic lung disease but also on disease modification and cure.

Maria Belvisi 高级副总裁兼研究和早期开发主管,呼吸 & 免疫学,澳门葡京赌博游戏R&D

除了我在澳门葡京网赌游戏的角色, I am Professor of Respiratory Pharmacology and Head of the Respiratory Pharmacology Group at Imperial College London. 我的研究重点是哮喘的细胞和分子机制, COPD and chronic cough, 目的是开发治疗这些疾病的方法. I enjoy helping to drive the research efforts here and to be part of training the next generation of respiratory scientists.

I was research director for the European Respiratory Society (ERS) from 2013 to 2016, 我曾在几家科学期刊的编辑委员会任职, 包括《美国呼吸杂志 重症监护医学欧洲呼吸杂志 也是《 药理学和治疗学. 我写了大量关于呼吸系统疾病和治疗的文章, with many of my papers being cited by peers and referenced in other publications. 我也是英国药理学学会的当选会员, 欧洲呼吸学会和医学科学院.

My experience in industry includes leading a team at Rhône-Poulenc Rorer (now Aventis Pharma) focused on respiratory disease. In 2010, 我还和同事一起开了自己的公司, Dr Mark Birrell, called IR Pharma, 呼吸药理学临床前药物研发组织.





Trabbuchi Award




Key Achievements

I am honoured to have been involved in developing a clinical treatment for asthma. This work is significant to me because of the direct benefit I can see that I have bought to this patient group through following the science. 还有彼得·巴恩斯教授, I was involved in generating key data sets during the pre-clinical development of a COPD treatment.

还有彼得·巴恩斯教授, I was involved in generating key data sets during the pre-clinical development of a COPD treatment.

作为呼吸领域的专家获得国际认可, publishing over 200 peer review papers and being called to participate on programme committees for international respiratory meetings. I have also been in receipt of prestigious funding awards from the Wellcome Trust and the Medical Research Council. I was proud to be elected as a fellow of the British Pharmacological Society in 2005 and to be one of the 129 founding members of European Respiratory Society (FERS).

  Featured publications


Robinson RK, Birrell MA, Adcock JJ, Wortley MA, Dubuis ED, Chen S, McGilvery CM, Hu S, Shaffer MSP, Bonvini SJ, Maher SA, Mudway IS, Porter AE, Carlsten C, Tetley TD, Belvisi MG. [J]过敏症临床免疫. 2018年3月,141 (3):1074 - 1084.e9.

XEN-D0501, 一种新的瞬时受体电位香草样蛋白1拮抗剂, 难治性咳嗽不能止咳.

Belvisi MG, Birrell MA, Wortley MA, Maher SA, Satia I, Badri H, Holt K, Round P, McGarvey L, Ford J, Smith JA. 我是急救医生吗. 2017年11月15日;196(10):1255-1263.

瞬时受体电位阳离子通道, subfamily V, member 4 and airway sensory afferent activation: Role of adenosine triphosphate.

Bonvini SJ, Birrell MA, Grace MS, Maher SA, Adcock JJ, Wortley MA, Dubuis E, Ching YM, Ford AP, Shala F, Miralpeix M, Tarrason G, Smith JA, Belvisi MG.  [J]过敏症临床免疫. 2016年7月,138 (1):249 - 261.e12.

气道疾病的神经表型. 来自转化咳嗽研究的见解.

Belvisi MG, Birrell MA, Khalid S, Wortley MA, Dockry R, Coote J, Holt K, Dubuis E, Kelsall A, Maher SA, Bonvini S, Woodcock A, Smith JA.  我是急救医生吗. 2016年6月15日;193(12):1364-72.


Belvisi MG. Lancet. 2015年3月28日;385(9974):1160-2.

Role of transient receptor potential and pannexin channels in cigarette smoke-triggered ATP release in the lung.

Baxter M, Eltom S, Dekkak B, Yew-Booth L, Dubuis ED, Maher SA, Belvisi MG, Birrell MA. Thorax. 2014年12月,69 (12):1080 - 9.


Raemdonck K, de Alba J, Birrell MA, Grace M, Maher SA, Irvin CG, Fozard JR, O'Byrne PM, Belvisi MG. Thorax. 2012 Jan;67(1):19-25.


张建军,张建军,张建军,张建军.  Nat Med. 2011 Jul 7;17(7):776.


Buckley J, Birrell MA, Maher SA, Nials AT, Clarke DL, Belvisi MG. Thorax. 2011年12月,66 (12):1029 - 35.


Birrell MA, Belvisi MG, Grace M, Sadofsky L, Faruqi S, Hele DJ, Maher SA, Freund-Michel V, Morice AH. 我是急救医生吗. 2009年12月1日;180(11):1042-7.

Ikappa-B kinase-2 inhibitor blocks inflammation in human airway smooth muscle and a rat model of asthma.

Birrell MA, Hardaker E, Wong S, McCluskie K, Catley M, De Alba J, Newton R, Haj-Yahia S, Pun KT, Watts CJ, Shaw RJ, Savage TJ, Belvisi MG.  我是急救医生吗. 2005年10月15日;32 (8):962-71

Preclinical profile of ciclesonide, a novel corticosteroid for the treatment of asthma.

Belvisi MG, Bundschuh DS, Stoeck M, Wicks S, Underwood S, Battram CH, Haddad el-B, Webber SE, Foster ML.  J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2005年8月,314 (2):568 - 74

Therapeutic benefit of a dissociated glucocorticoid and the relevance of in vitro separation of transrepression from transactivation activity.

Belvisi MG, Wicks SL, Battram CH, Bottoms SE, Redford JE, Woodman P, Brown TJ, Webber SE, Foster ML.  J Immunol. 2001年2月1日;166(3):1975-82.

Bradykinin-evoked sensitization of airway sensory nerves: a mechanism for ACE-inhibitor cough.

Fox AJ, Lalloo UG, Belvisi MG, Bernareggi M, Chung KF, Barnes PJ. Nat Med. 1996 Jul;2(7):814-7.

Effect of Ba 679 BR, 一种新型长效抗胆碱能药, 豚鼠和人气道胆碱能神经传递的研究.

Takahashi T, Belvisi MG, Patel H, Ward JK, Tadjkarimi S, Yacoub MH, Barnes PJ.  我是急救医生吗. 1994年12月;150(6):1640-5.

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